広瀬隆は『赤い楯』をはじめ、タイタニックとロスチャイルド家、モルガン財閥との関係の書籍を多く出している。 ポータル クルーズ タイタニック号沈没事故 海難事故 カルパチア (客船) オリンピック級客船(オリンピック・ブリタニック) 蒸気船SS Great Britain|グレート・ブリテン エンサイクロペディア・タイタニカ…
109キロバイト (14,558 語) - 2023年6月22日 (木) 21:43

1 ぐれ ★ :2023/06/23(金) 07:31:28.65ID:8t4j3pt59
2023 年 6 月 22 日木曜日午後 3 時 17 分 EDT 更新

Titanic-bound submersible suffered ‘catastrophic implosion,’ killing all 5 on board, US Coast Guard says


Questions swirl around the safety of the lost submersible

03:10 - 出典: CNN


The Titanic-bound submersible that went missing on Sunday with five people on board suffered a “catastrophic implosion,” killing everyone on board, US Coast Guard Rear Adm. John Mauger said Thursday.


The tail cone and other debris from the missing Titan submersible were found about 1,600 feet from the bow of the Titanic.


“This is an incredibly unforgiving environment down there on the sea floor and the debris is consistent with a catastrophic implosion of the vessel,” Mauger, the First Coast Guard District commander, told reporters.


The families were immediately notified, Mauger said. “I can only imagine what this has been like for them and I hope that this discovery provides some solace during this difficult time,” he said.


Minutes before the news conference, OceanGate Expeditions, the company that operated the deep-sea submersible, issued a statement saying that it believes the five men aboard the craft are dead.

【タイタン】タイタニック号潜水艦が「壊滅的な爆縮」に見舞われ、乗組員5人全員が死亡、米国沿岸警備隊が発表 [ぐれ★]

★ 2023/06/23(金) 04:28:38.13

【「タイタニック号潜水艦、壊滅的な事故で乗組員5人が死亡」 沈没船の探査任務中に惨事】の続きを読む